Jeff Sampson's listening history
The colonists face their greatest challenge yet as they confront the Inarian Armada and fight for the survival of humanity.
In a dramatic finale, the colonists confront the ripple effects of their actions and the ultimate fate of humanity, as they strive to shape a new future for themselves and their planet.
If you're looking for an easy way out
I got some cyanide pills at my house
Shine a light
Take control of your life
And mine
I never loved being left out
So let's make it a suicide pact
Then when we leave
We'll leave together
And live…
The full moon is huge and a brazen, insidious yellow just above the horizon. Puffy white clouds radiate moonlight and glow. And just there I see it... amidst what look like huge fishing nets floating in the sky, a giant galleon making it's way…