yahondu's listening history

kauaikta's avatar
Merry Christmas!
Dana's avatar
I wrote the music to this song while playing around on the piano, thought it sounded nice. But for a long time i left it like that cus I couldn't think of how to develop it. Then one day i was playing it, and i stopped and saw my dad's old guitar…
Dana's avatar
I wrote the music to this song while playing around on the piano, thought it sounded nice. But for a long time i left it like that cus I couldn't think of how to develop it. Then one day i was playing it, and i stopped and saw my dad's old guitar…
yahondu's avatar
This is a remake of Samba do Bonde, now with portuguese lyrics. A loose translation below: Priviledge, the two of us here to sit, converse, to feel the warmth of friendship always too brief just a give and take between immortals (close…
yahondu's avatar
an attempt to evoke the urban Brazilian scene - which has a rhythm all its own.
yahondu's avatar
This is a remake of Samba do Bonde, now with portuguese lyrics. A loose translation below: Priviledge, the two of us here to sit, converse, to feel the warmth of friendship always too brief just a give and take between immortals (close…
geowesh's avatar
The new new testament will include the book of St. Jones.
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
I guess I try to write such sketches in order to behold and hold a sense of the Great Goal, ...that which quietly 'visits' us, where we open- where we allow it,... ...all the way from the future Resolution.
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
yahondu's avatar
an attempt to evoke the urban Brazilian scene - which has a rhythm all its own.