yahondu's listening history

yahondu's avatar
The berimbau is a brazilian percussion/string instrument that is the foundation for this tune. Thanks to Dana (Alontoner) who added the sweet backup vocals to make this a much better piece. And thanks also to K. Scot Sparks (Alonetoner…
yahondu's avatar
This is a total remake of an earlier posting. Lead vocals courtesy of fellow Alonetoner, Dana. In the lyrics, I was trying to capture a sense in which there is something else beyond - something which draws me as it were homeward. A son…
yahondu's avatar
The Portuguese version of "Raining on the Cabixi". If you listen close, and if you can tell the difference between an indo-european language and an amerindian language, you will hear the second verse sung in Mamainde - an endangered language…
yahondu's avatar
Vocals and percussion are courtesy of another recent alonetoner, K. Scot Sparks. While recording a simple guitar track in Kev's garage, things got intersting when we opened the garage door, and let the sounds of this huge flock of birds in the…
yahondu's avatar
This is a remake of Samba do Bonde, now with portuguese lyrics. A loose translation below: Priviledge, the two of us here to sit, converse, to feel the warmth of friendship always too brief just a give and take between immortals (close…
yahondu's avatar
how do you give a daughter away? I have no clue...
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
'...?vaguely Bach-inspired?...'
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
What if the snow and its wonder involved an environmental 'imutation' or - at least - a beautiful metaphor for the great, gentle, quiet, thorough meeting... ...of the greatest, silent need.
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
I guess I try to write such sketches in order to behold and hold a sense of the Great Goal, ...that which quietly 'visits' us, where we open- where we allow it,... ...all the way from the future Resolution.
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar