28 tracks by yahondu
so..I decided to take those 2 previous tracks and see what would happen if i mixed em. some parts dont really mesh well - but before i delete this mix, i wanted to know if it works in some strange way for anyone?
this is a lick that i really dont know what to do with. Any suggestions as to where it should go from here?
Vocals and percussion are courtesy of another recent alonetoner, K. Scot Sparks. While recording a simple guitar track in Kev's garage, things got intersting when we opened the garage door, and let the sounds of this huge flock of birds in the…
This song is in memory of my son,
Micah Eberhard
(Jan 27, 1987 - Aug 8, 2007)
Neath the clay, iMago dEi
glory keeps while beauty sleeps
from the womb a flower blooms
brights the day, blesses the clay…
The Portuguese version of "Raining on the Cabixi".
If you listen close, and if you can tell the difference between an indo-european language and an amerindian language, you will hear the second verse sung in Mamainde - an endangered language…
A song that came to me when I was fishing in the rain with some of my Mamainde buddies. The Mamainde is a small endangered Amazonian tribe of 230 people in west-central Brazil. This song attempts to tell their story…
Filho Sumido is portuguese for "Lost Son".
Its my little bossa way of describing what its like to be away from the place I love, Brazil. Like a lost son. Someday I may make an english version - but then, maybe not. After all, its about Brazil…