eshar's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This track was my attempted submission for Ramen Music #001. I finally got around to uploading it here. It was made using several instances of the Max for Live instrument "Loop Shifter" that I played in real-time using my Novation Launchpad…
Djörk's avatar
This one scare me a little :) Probably gonna come back and mess with the levels and eq a little more later... Remixed: 12/17/2010
thetworegs's avatar
Now you have to make a decision. Do you go with it or against it?
thetworegs's avatar
Now you really have to make a decision?
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
With out the words-Instrumental.............
thetworegs's avatar
There is always something going on.......Have a look!