eshar's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
mmi's avatar
This track started off with an idea. The idea was an instrument setup such that I could play a single note, or octave and have arps and stuff built it up... I failed in that experiment by getting carried down the add more effects road and before…
kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
malpass's avatar
Solo guitar alternates between wistful and sour.
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
It aint like no ones done this before But how can you tire of beautiful chords In the fifties In Tenessee Where my love was born Two young men upped and crossed the yard both cold cos it was rainin hard. One of them turned said…
brando's avatar
This one was originally slated for the RPM, but I never got to it. I put together this layout one day, and it hasn't progressed since then, but vocals are coming. Does anyone have Tom Waits' phone number?
anthony77's avatar
Ok, I just semi-mastered this track.. and this should be the final edition of it... Thank you all for listening...
glu's avatar
From today's one hour session: acoustic guitar, fretless electric bass, tabla, tambourine, and the synthesque sound is the electric guitar played with a violin bow
b-kader's avatar