Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's listening history
2021 50/90 Challenge, song #2.
I started this at midnight on July 4, 2021. The very minute the 50/90 challenge started. I'm 90% sure I've used almost exactly the same melody before, and I'm 99.999% sure I've used exactly the same guitar and…
And the 2021 50/90 Challenge is underway. One down, 49 to go.
This one came quick and easy, which probably means I've written this entire song already but who cares. I like the chorus. I sing an arpeggio. It's almost like I took two years…
Blistered wings and broken things
Those elements that divide
How the mighty have fallen
Condemned by worthless pride
Ersatz and saccharine
Realities a bitch
Finding another way
To scratch that invisible itch
Just another fallen Angel…
Been sat on this song for weeks and weeks, finally got the urge to record it ....