Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's listening history

A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Cover of one of my favourite RPMers. Tried to just make it different and have fun with it. This was definitely one of the stand out tunes this year. Didn't even want to touch it as a cover but I could not help myself. Hope Wilsun likes it…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Been working a lot since getting back to work a few weeks back, haven't had much time to focus on music or anything mind-relaxing. This is something i had cooking in the back log burner for a while...
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Cover of one of my favourite RPMers. Tried to just make it different and have fun with it. This was definitely one of the stand out tunes this year. Didn't even want to touch it as a cover but I could not help myself. Hope Wilsun likes it…
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Cover of one of my favourite RPMers. Tried to just make it different and have fun with it. This was definitely one of the stand out tunes this year. Didn't even want to touch it as a cover but I could not help myself. Hope Wilsun likes it…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
How’s the saying go, isn’t it an echo or a stain But words get telephoned, caught up in some other’s long refrain Heavens catch your gaze, barter for your faith, how pretty the horizon How far does it go, the unintended consequence of sight…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
Hold my hand get through this I dissect your iris And behind the lens there is an omen Here I thought I knew you But I’m stuck on preview You were hiding in my peripheral vision In my dreams, reaching forward, falling backward, out my…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
Your fear took the sky away, we’re stumbling in the dark You ran to the mountain top, sounding the alarm I’ll hold the mirror at the other end, a jewel from it hung sword points highest to the emperor’s sun A clash of the heavens pair…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
Lost half of my castle, we dug the moat, we built the walls But the waves don’t care, they’re busy shushing us senseless It’s a wonder, forever building here in the sand How the universe don’t care The pen to the page, part and parcel…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
You’ve got a lot to say and sleeves to sew We don’t see eye to eye don’t you know It’s not a coin but two lone planets circling our own suns Where is the salve to soothe our aching hearts Suffice to say we’re better apart The tattered flag…
Jarrett Osborn's avatar
Rain on my roof, constant tapping, sounds like there’s invaders outside always marching, always shouting, pouring down hour glass counting Half dissected, introverted, I don’t mean to pry Past protracted, so exhausted, I don’t even try…