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Descending D Line

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The decending line is about the coolest musical concept. Ear candy,and it can be Major or minor scale.Love my effects,but there’s no substitution for plain old technique.

Guest said

A lovely, well played track.

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Like Latino blues, very nice enjoyed that

Guest said

Cool tune.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Well played John! You are right, it tickles my fancy! Does the decending (Or downward spiral) have anything to do with the Republicans heading toward Florida next week? Sorry . . . I couldn't help but ask.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

tripin' on down D line

Guest said

going to show my ignorance now....what means the "Descending Line"? How is it structured....or am I missing something blindly obvious....? (this will be a "doh !" moment I just know it )Much enjoyed the piece ....trying to figure it out... Jarvo

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

cool concept, nice playing!

Guest said

Ear candy indeed...hypnotic!

Guest said

My favorite key, one of my favorite desending lines. this is a song not yet writen, please do....Steve
