A Beautiful Scene's listening history

Oh My Goodness's avatar
lyrics: i got a hot date and you know i don't wanna be late i need a ride to the bowling alley get ready cuz here i come put my new skirt on chewing peppermint gum did my eyebrows fresh white musk on my neck part my hair to the right cuz its…
Oh My Goodness's avatar
Oh My Goodness's avatar
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great! this draft is continuously replaced with newer versions. check back, please! (oh yeah…
Oh My Goodness's avatar
NOT FINISHED. another draft. just putting it up here so that i kick myself in the pants to flesh it out and write verses and whatnot and redo everything. great!
Oh My Goodness's avatar
NOT FINISHED. shining up old songs. this one is headed in this direction. if i put it up on here, i have to finish it. love, masochistic super ego. Here's the old version: http://alonetone.com/ttworkman/tracks/tiny-little-babies
Oh My Goodness's avatar
i made this song up real fast. and i obviously threw it into the computer real fast. i have trouble with levels. but then again, that's what the songs about. let's hear it for Temper Tantrums!
Double Meanings's avatar
"Lifeline" remixed
Sudara's avatar
First draft. Dedicated to my mother on her birthday. In the outro: Trombone, Horns, Clarinets, Mouthpiece buzz by Andy Hentz (arrsuarez) and organic drum related sounds by Glu.
Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](http://alonetone.com/sudara/tracks/song-for-themcgruff)
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An older song that was originally inspired by Prefab Sprout's "Goodbye Lucille #1 (aka 'Johnny Johnny')" but has morphed into it's current state that's more influenced by Suicide and House of Love.