A Bit More Better Productions's listening history

Dirty Spirits's avatar
8th song by P Lance McDaniel P.Lance's deep thinking deep rocking song about ....well im not sure.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
7th song by Kent Good Another strong rocker by KG. This song was our bastard step son. It was neglected from day one . It will mature this year as we jam it more. Only song we didnt get CW on.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Second side opener by Martin fox This chord progression came to me in a pre-rpm jam and we instantly nailed the feel. The words came easy too. Another five piece number. The words are about my loved ones i have lost and my feelings about our…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
First side closer by Kent Good. This song was recorded our first session of the month. We were playing as a five piece and i really love the sound. This is one of KGs best song to date.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Fourth song by Martin Fox My first shot at really going for it on vocals. dont know if i quite hit the bullseye. this song is a modern internet love/revenge tale .
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Third song by P.Lance McDaniel our trusty drummer. this song is a blast to play. we had lots of fun with it during the RPM Challenge.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Second song by Martin Fox Was on a Pete Townshend kick lately. this one came to me as i was listening to the random recordings on my phone. still not happy with the vocal mix. we spent a lot of time tweaking too.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Opening song by Kent Good. We played pretty good in Feb. We are not "chops" players, but i think we rocked this one pretty good.This song will evolve a bit as we break it in live.
kavin.'s avatar
Dave Berry's avatar
Seagull Acoustic (Tuning FADGCF) Recorded into BR-80 Live Rec mode