A Bit More Better Productions's listening history
Collaboration with jip1965
I was emailed a piece of music entitled 'Glomp' (I kid you not) with a note saying "Chorus words something like... river flowing...the sun is shining lol"
I sat and listened to the music a few times, not knowing…
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere.
Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Another lyrically-challenged collaboration with jip1965, who sent me a guitar, bongo, percussion track with a recorder playing named, simply, 'Love'.
I added the piccolo, crystals and windchimes from my virtual keyboard, renamed it 'What is…
Another one jip1965 sent to me for playing with!
Silent and magical
Calming and practical
Moonbeams, silver moonbeams
Filtering through the air
Twinkling in our hair
Moonbeams, silver moonbeams
Dancing on the leaves of trees
A bit of fun. Feel free to chop it up or add to it.
I need an electric geeetar. My weary old Crafter electroacoustic picks up every touch. 'Scuse the solo, I'm only a strummer..
Anyway, the song. Clogging up my brain, had to get it out. Some lasses don't know what they look like, and some lads…
As a surprise for the missus (she gets out of hospital tomorrow after a 9 week stay) I've revamped a little ditty I wrote for her. I thought I'd put an Elvis slant on it including the ridiculous club style ending. I also slipped a bit of a British…
I fancied another acapella. Shame I end in a different key than I started in, someone could have put music to it!
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…
I am slowly coming to the realization that I am sacred.
I trust you do as well.
It was so easy to be bitter
To hate the life I was born into
And I almost lost myself in this fight
Cutting what was so sacred
I could not see beyond…