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Died on the Couch

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A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :)

One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle overdub. So, in other words the recording is weak. But I love it…

All recorded with the Boss Micro BR


Ain’t no reason
To turn it out
Ain’t no need
To talk about

When you just sit there
With a loaded stare
When letting in wants letting out

He died on the couch
He didn’t make a sound
When you’re mind grows dim
You don’t make a sound

You don’t know me
Like I know you
’Cause I draw pictures
In the sand

And please don’t laugh at me
Cause it’s not alright
And please don’t ask me to understand

He died on the couch
He didn’t make a sound
When you’re mind grows dim
You don’t make a sound

Guest said

"Died on the couch" - awesomeness in return dude:) love this acoustic piece! goes into my unplugged faves!

Guest said

love th name

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Still like this one. ;)

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

sat around at work and jammed on your tunes all day. Like them all my friend!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Just an idea for you. ;)

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

As for recording: if you ever go with a computer set-up, a pretty cheap way to go is a conderser microphone- (i use an akg perception 200) i love the 200, the 220 is newer but made mostly of plastic, and get an Art Tube Preamp. Check it out, this little guy is like 30 bucks, and has a lot of presets for any instrument. Just my opinion, but for your sound it's a pretty neat little setup. You could get more expensive stuff, but everything i use is pretty cheap,and i think it sounds okay. It's not what you have, it's how you use it.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

ALL RIGHT!! A true clutch fan. Man i just picked up the Live at the 9:30 DVD and it rocks! I've only seen them live once, but an amazing band.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Really nice.

Guest said

great stuff Mark. I've fallen asleep on the couch before with a boiling pot on. When I woke up the pot was cooking with no more water in it. After that I said, 'fuck you' to the top ramen noodles and threw them away. Who needs that kind of BS?

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Great harmony vocals. Cool lyrics too. I kept waiting for the full band to kick but I like the sparseness of this one.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

so frickin' original...nice acoustic sound...stellar singing and those notch!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I like it! :)

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice track! Really great vocals!

Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

Love this. I can relate. Bravo.

Guest said

"You don't know me Like I know you 'Cause I draw pictures In the sand" best line ever... I can't get my acoustic to sound like that. =D

Guest said

very nice. Great vocals and lyrics!

Guest said

Lovely, sparse arrangment - beautiful framing for these heart-melting lyrics.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Top track mate very cool. Thanks for your recent comment mate.

Guest said

Ooo, great harmonies. Lovely track.
