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9 ET Sorog

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Hi - thought I’d throw up an older piece today while I have time (doing work at the new house later). This is an improvisation with my Fender Mustang / Roland GR-20 combination retuned on the fly to 9 notes per octave “Sorog” tuning. I think it sounds pleasant and a bit of the far east. YMMV.

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

you got a great variety of styles ... I like it!!

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very mellow,, and again nicely done,,it's inspiring to hear all your different works

Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

beautiful piece, and maybe my fav, of your microtonal repertoire..

launched's avatar
launched said

Spartan with a complicated sound - That is pretty damn cool.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very cool.

Guest said

Delicate and serene. Beauty indeed.

Guest said

A masculine piece with an oriental flavour. Most interesting and different.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Yes, as a matter of practicality one performs with volume greater than the actual Fender (headphones to the GR-20, amplification of the Roland GR-20 ) - although I have mixed the "normal" and "new" tunings together and in some cases that sounds nice and fairly unique.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

So when you are playing this song on the Fender Mustang, you are hearing it in Sorog tuning, right? But the note that you are playing on the guitar is changed to another pitch by the Roland, so you must have the headset plugged into the Roland output, right?

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Vaisvil's response to my question was enlightening: wild stuff! "well, no actually, it is the Roland GR-20 that gets re-tuned. Performing in many tunings with acoustic instruments is problematic and while I've seen a few attempts none of them I could afford. One could de-fret and re-fret a guitar but not only is it time consuming you then have either many guitars or a commitment to one tuning for a good space of time. So.. long story short - musical electronics are making microtonal music practical. Of course this is purely from a western perspective - other cultures have been performing microtonal music for millennial. Or, as a Turkish composer told me - the west is the real microtonal music because its the compromise compared to other cultures."

Norm's avatar
Norm said

You actually tune the Fender Mustang to the Sorog tuning, right?
