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Where I am now: Opus In Car

Alter Ego

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This is from years ago, living in santa fe.

I loved driving around in my little 1980s toyota corolla and listening to cassettes. I loved the way they sounded.

So I took a piano song I was working on, recorded it to cassette, dragged mic cables out to my car, turned the engine on, sat in the drivers seat, popped the cassette into the deck, and recorded me listening to the song in the car.

This song ruled my life for more than a year. I was convinced I would flesh out this “Opus,” constructing a fully arranged beautiful marathon (for me) 12 minutes of continuous piano-centric music, switching keys and time signatures, multi-layered, etc. I played it every day, over and over, trying to make it through, connect the parts, etc. I finished the skeleton of the song (it is what you hear here) but it never did get fleshed out, and ironically, this lofi version of it playing in my car is the closest to the full opus that remains.

markus4lonetone's avatar
markus4lonetone said

Hey, not sure if it belongs here but I can't listen to it either and it gives me this message: "Uh oh, there's no longer an mp3 attached to this track. Please edit it and click 'upload a new version' to add the mp3"

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Can't get this to play for me, which is irritating because I hear it's very cool... Will keep trying!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Listening again and I actually really love the lo-fi almost accidental feel to this recording. Work of art. My one regret is that I can't double-favourite it.

Guest said

I like this a lot and somehow I like the lo-fi thing of it but I would like to hear a good recording of it.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...compelling stuff, senor!

Sudara's avatar
Sudara said


Sha-Pink's avatar
Sha-Pink said

I sometimes wish I had my Tascam MkII hiss machine back. Oh Pawnshop! Thee giveth and thee taketh away... love the concept.

launched's avatar
launched said

I can fully realize the vision of you nestled in your vinyl houndstooth patterned bucket seat surrounded by 7 ashtrays. The stereo was most likely worth more than the automobile. I now miss my Nissan, which I thought would never happen. Thanks for a great trip back in time!

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said


Norm's avatar
Norm said

There’s something to be said about dragging a song that has been a bit of a nemesis to you, for over a year, out to *your turf* to give it another listen. To a faithful car that you have known for many years, and inside of whom you have listened to many songs - over a speaker system that you have memorized. I know what you are doing. You aren’t finished with this piece yet, so you just keep looking and looking. It kind of reminds me of gold-mining in a way: if you quit digging you can’t strike the mother lode.

Guest said

I enjoyed that Alt, a lovely piece and well played.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

After several more listens my enthusiasm for this piece is undiminished. Not to take anything away from the rest of it but the section from 5:00 to 8:21 is as good, interesting, and moving a piece of piano music as I have ever heard. I'd love you to transcribe this piece so I could have a go at playing it and, who knows?, maybe we could duet one day!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Wow...I almost like it better as recorded in your car with the other sounds ect...but this is so good, really needs to be recaptured in a better recording. really enjoying the changes at 6:50 too ! - and 8:25

Guest said

Good one.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

This is just Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Wonderful wonderful piece.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Boy do I love this, the music is awesome - just awesome - and I love when you whistle along as you're enjoying different bits. I can imagine doing it myself! Once again AWESOME++

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