am/fm dreams's listening history

Billy Jack's avatar
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Our ode to the road song.
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Title track to our rpm effort. Introduces both vocalists and overall acoustic rock sound of the album.
Al's left hand's avatar
Jess wrote the lyrics for this one, and unlike when I write lyrics, they speak for themselves.
Al's left hand's avatar
Opening track, sets the scene.
charleswalker28's avatar
After hearing people day in and day out wish for the weekend, I felt the need to write a song to remind them that they were essentially wishing their life away. This music is funk/blues with a Meters feel.
angie fights crime's avatar
I wish you could see The beautiful light That surrounds you It touches me, touching you We look at these pictures When we were young Long for yesterday When we knew nothing Now we know so much Too many things Why can’t we let go Forget everything…
angie fights crime's avatar
In the moment So alive Taunting death Every color sings Every smell Breathe deep Open wide All is new Sounds inspire Electric space Shed the skin Of the old All is new All is new Take my hand Run so fast We’re alive Taunting death
angie fights crime's avatar
I miss the smell of your hands Your breath The feel of your skin We didn’t have to talk Just understood What the other was We are of the same But we knew The end would come Time is no friend We are not healed The pain is old But feels new…
angie fights crime's avatar
I hear you Calling my name Like a whisper And a scream You haunt me Forever Twist your arms Around my neck In a dead embrace Locked with love You haunt me You haunt me I tore the paper From the walls To see what Was underneath You left no…