am/fm dreams's listening history
I miss the smell of your hands
Your breath
The feel of your skin
We didn’t have to talk
Just understood
What the other was
We are of the same
But we knew
The end would come
Time is no friend
We are not healed
The pain is old
But feels new…
In the moment
So alive
Taunting death
Every color sings
Every smell
Breathe deep
Open wide
All is new
Sounds inspire
Electric space
Shed the skin
Of the old
All is new
All is new
Take my hand
Run so fast
We’re alive
Taunting death
I wish you could see
The beautiful light
That surrounds you
It touches me, touching you
We look at these pictures
When we were young
Long for yesterday
When we knew nothing
Now we know so much
Too many things
Why can’t we let go
Forget everything…