am/fm dreams's listening history

Tom Harter's avatar
2009 Record Production Month Challenge offering. Very pleased with the collective results. My favorite song from the album. Enjoy and repeat.
rewind's avatar
rewind's avatar
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An exercise in configuring sonic spaces - it was only later that I realized the scathing lyrics were self-directed.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An exercise in configuring sonic spaces - it was only later that I realized the scathing lyrics were self-directed.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An attempt to evoke images that weren't in the first-person. I tend to write in abstract fragments and this piece is no exception.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
A song that ended up in an entirely different place than from where it began. It was meant to have a dark 'David Gray' kind of feel, but ended up being the love child of 'Love and Rockets' and 'Stars on 45.'
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
A deceptively forceful song dealing with the death of my sister.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An older song from a previous band that was never quite captured to my satisfaction. I was going for very laid-back "Pale Blue Eyes" vibe.
monopoli's avatar
Another one without lyrics. The title was my workingtitle. And I just thought it was a funny title (I think Rage Against the Machine is kind of silly) I quite like some of the sounds on this one (it's a Poly 800 through an Electro Harmonix Big…