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i set a wire in the woods
on a cold dark night when no one should be out
i was alone for a time
when the rabbits start to run the rings around my eyes
watching the shadows come to life
under cold, stark gaze of electric light
already hungry for a fight
but don’t feed the animal to keep the appetite

i had a dream in the night
oh machine divine
put your hand to my mouth
tied to the passenger side
oh machine divine
come on let me out

crying won’t do you any good
there’s no one around here to help you now
thirst traps and hunger-strikes
in a badly written fanfiction
exit stage-life
why wash away the good times?
when the devil’s hands are on your hips
it’s a conga line
and if i don’t come back to life
have the understudy memorize my lines

written by Damian Lethbridge
RPM Challenge Album 2024

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Lovin' this one too. I'm glad your alt sensibilities were unsuppressible!
