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Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
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My first outing of 2013 with my old mate Mike.ET on lead vocals, cheers man!
Another quick one take rough track for the B movie biker sound track for a film that doesn't exist!
Shimmering in the heat coming up off the asphalt like a mirage in the desert, the roadhouse waits with a couple of cool beers and some folks…
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Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
WoW im hearing Pete, Marty n Frank Marino
Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
Ok, this is the full length version, so far, until the new tweaks have been done, but it's a nice reminder of cool things that can come from improv and jamming. Bass (Pete Burke, i.e. myself) and drums (Marty Boot) recorded from a jam to level…
rock on with ya frock on xxxxx fkn love it who is on drums
My name is actually Pete, the andykrist bit is a silly nickname. I’ve played guitar since I was 14, I’m almost 49 now, plenty of bands behind me, lots of Metal, Hard Rock, Rock, Blues, Fusion, Punk, etc., both covers and originals, still doing it, never really made any money from it, just doing it because it must be done, for the love apparently, haha.
from Perth, Australia
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