Andrew Russe's listening history

terrysongs's avatar
Song about a hundred years old. and for to many life still sucks.
markgoldsack's avatar
My wife plays flute and asked whether I could write a simple piece for it. This is the result. She hasn't learned it yet!
markgoldsack's avatar
About no one in particular, just a figment of my imagination.
markgoldsack's avatar
This is open to translation. I wrote it about nurses and how I thought confused/sedated or just bonkers patients may view them.
markgoldsack's avatar
A song about my dad. Written a few years ago but I wanted my family to do the harmonies. Finally I got the last two laid down week. There are 10 harmonies featuring sisters, sons, daughters, nieces and nephews and I thank them all for their amazing…
Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Andrew Russe's avatar
New one from me. It's ended up as a bit of a "crying into yer beer at Bob's Country Bunker" sort of song lol... I've been sat on these lyrics in some form or another for absolutely years. I first wrote them one very dark night a few years after…
The Culprits's avatar
Go check out the original: Synth - The wife
Visions of Nell's avatar
The chorus is adapted from "O Death Rock Me Asleep", by Anne Boleyn, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, waiting for her execution. (Tolar & Savigear 2010)
Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar and Savigear 2011)