Andrew Russe's listening history

Nick P's avatar
This is a song about questions, especially after experiencing the loss of someone are the lyrics: Down past the bridge By Saint Peter‘s church She hums a prayer Her eyes blue and bare She’s longing for comfort…
stoman's avatar
We did four versions of this song - all with different guitars (or combinations thereof). This is version 2, my own favorite version. You can find all four versions at my web site: http…
Jason Earls's avatar
trying to sound like the great Freddie King...
Ron's avatar
Well the story continues...Munga is back and after his wife and Sweet Ronnie....they ran off to Jamaica and Munga is not a happy camper Ron: all instruments and vocals
Jason Earls's avatar
trying to sound like the great Freddie King...
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar. I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar. I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A new original from me. Another one-voice, one-guitar, "live" performance in my broom-cupboard. This time it's the good ole tin guitar. I wrote this one in 2002 during the "dark years" lol. I've ummed and aahed over the years on whether to…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Acoustic blues. Recorded in 2005. I was trying to record something else, can't remember what, and the missus was going out. She had cyclist Lance Armstong's book, or was talking about it. Sounded like a great title for a song as well as his book…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Acoustic blues. Recorded in 2005. I was trying to record something else, can't remember what, and the missus was going out. She had cyclist Lance Armstong's book, or was talking about it. Sounded like a great title for a song as well as his book…