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I Hope I Love Them (Acoustic Demo)

Andrew Russe

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I Hope I Love Them - A A J Russe
Written sometime in 1989
Recorded 2nd March 2022
The Shoebox Demos Vol 1

This one has tugged at me for many many years.

I absolutely adored it from the moment I wrote it in 1989… But I thought it was too short (I think someone said “it will be really good when you’ve actually finished it” and I tended to believe people in those days).

I used the chords and some of the melody for other things a few years later. I sort of regretted that, but now I don’t really care.

It always kept calling me back, every time I sifted through the battered sheets of A4 looking for something to sing… and there it was.

I still know exactly what this was about. And, really… there was nothing more to say on the subject. It always was kind of complete.

A few years ago, when I was cataloguing and typing in some lyrics of old songs, this was high on the list. And as I typed it in I sort of decided it was finished as it is.

All I had to do was record it one day.

I Hope I Love Them - A A J Russe

They said they would but no-one came
I hope I love them anyway
It may be wrong the things they’ve done
I hope I love them when they’re gone

They all laughed when I fell down
Let them laugh - I’m not around
I hope I will not them down
I hope I love them

Some go fast and some go slow
How was I supposed to know
People say what they must say
I hope I love them anyway

Copyright (C) 1989 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved.

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wilsun's avatar
wilsun said

Poignant, affecting. Something everyone can relate to. I'm glad you were able to revisit this old song, and I also hope recording it was cathartic.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Sparse and beautiful

Luigi's avatar
Luigi said

Hauntingly sad and beautiful

Day 13's avatar
Day 13 said

Great tune Andrew. we held back on a few old ideas too. i'm glad you put it out there

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