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angie fights crime

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what is the sound of the last few minutes of life
she said I wouldn’t feel a thing, but women lie
what is the color of the last thing you’ll ever see
frozen for all eternity
and these things inside my brain
tell a wicked tale
and when this all fades away
how will I even tell
left my shadow at the door, they said “you don’t need it any more”
lead me to the room of dreams, the shelves of bones are frozen memories
and just like Christmas in july, another empty surprise
and just like blizzards in the spring, it means the end of everything
and these things inside my brain
tell a wicked tale
and when this all fades away
how will I even tell
racing down the tunnel, feel them so very close behind
there is no sound, there is no light
fading away, tomorrow is the last hurray
my blod is hot, the pain is bright
through the waterfall and out the other side

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