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Precious Time

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This was the last song I composed for RPM 2009. I had a riff kicking around all month, then slowed it down and turned on the Lennon filter.

Guest said

Lennon filter? Is that a processed effect you used on the vocals or did you record the vocals in Lennon style? Great song by the way Vegetable Man!!!

glu's avatar
glu said

Yay, the Lennon filter!! :) Interesting how a song evolves from one idea into another by some drastic yet simple change like attenuating the tempo. Enjoying your mandolin playing! I have a 100yr old heirloom here but it needs some new tuning heads and strings. I haven't used it in a couple of years and I'm dying to get it going again.

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Great feel to this tune. Love the mandolin and lazy vocals. Nice one. Faved it!
