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three striped gum

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three striped gum
falls out of an old dresser drawer
fills my head with memories from before
causes me to close the door
i feel rotten to the core

three striped gum
falls out of my pocket in the rain
what would have happened if i played the game
i’d only have my self to blame
and baby thats so god damn lame
selfish oh ya thats selfish

three striped gum
in a bag full of socks
down in the basement in a box
i always thought they were lost
or maybe inadvertently they got tossed
now i find them in a box
maybe i’m the one thats lost
looking west when the sun sets in the sky
a vision of beauty that i cant deny

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Another great tune from tim. Good stuff mate

Guest said

sad fun Doc
