beetle's listening history

Norm's avatar
A 7/8 improvisation on a set of 3 Bata drums, accented with afucha, tube shekere and cowbell. The number 7 is a symbol for perfection or completeness: 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 musical notes in a scale, 7 days = a week, etc. In Cuba, the…
thetworegs's avatar
I had missed this one when it was first put up by Chris Vaisvil and Norm (Still waiting) i heard it today for the first time and it struck a chord so i asked Chris if i could add some words and being the generous man he is, he said yes. So i set…
 ShamPain's avatar
found some royalty free vox on the web and made this from scratch in ableton. looking for a deep dubstep feel feedback would be great thanks
 ShamPain's avatar
found some royalty free vox on the web and made this from scratch in ableton. looking for a deep dubstep feel feedback would be great thanks
Dave Berry's avatar
Kenny B (from Soundcrafters): bass, drum programming Dave Berry: synth, Electric guitar, lyrics/vocals ________________________________ Midnight, I'm all alone now Think I'll put on my dancing shoes Catch a ride up to the downtown The night…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been down the cellar tonight and for a Sunday night it was pretty full, mostly with beautiful women trying to impress Elvis with there moves. But this one beauty with the long Black hair really impressed Reg when she shaked it…
Djörk's avatar
This evolved out of an exercise in a workbook I just got on music composition. The original task was to write a melody in the Dorian mode about water...
epimeison's avatar
Very simple version of this Pink Floyd classic. Lots of mistakes and some notes out of tune. Anyway, I hope you like and/or enjoy.
epimeison's avatar
Again a miniature. I hope you like and/or enjoy.
BalorMysko's avatar