Ben Niven's listening history

tilden's avatar
Back around the turn of the century a group of miscreants would converge in a basement on Tuesday evenings to imbibe spirits and play music. Here's a recording of a public-domain song from one of those evenings (written by Kansas Joe McCoy &…
cxsx's avatar
In youth we called astroglide ass juice.
cxsx's avatar
Ben Niven's avatar
In 2001 my most recent band, Hoss Williams, recorded a four-song demo, and each of the four bandmembers contributed one song to it. This was mine. It's loosely about growing up in the country and being a teenager ripping around in clapped-out…
Reefwalker's avatar
I have officially stopped with CD 's and now have decided to mail zip drives. I tried mailing these in a regular envelope. (FAIL lol) One guy got postage due of $2.51 and the other, the envelope was destroyed with no zip at all. For my brother…
Sister Savage's avatar
My first attempt to work with loops I created using midi. With Mr Sandbags (reichatron). There's a really cool version with guitar added by Mac somewhere too, but it's weirdly vanished! Will add as soon as I find it.
meatcigars's avatar
Has this ever happened to you?
meatcigars's avatar
meatcigars's avatar
Speedy O'Tubbs, Bellingham Washington 1989
Ben Niven's avatar
In 2001 my most recent band, Hoss Williams, recorded a four-song demo, and each of the four bandmembers contributed one song to it. This was mine. It's loosely about growing up in the country and being a teenager ripping around in clapped-out…