Ben Niven

Ben Niven's avatar

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Ben Niven's avatar
Collaboration with my friend JJ Rea; he supplied the vocals, drums and guitar solo. I played the verse and bridge guitars, and the guitarrón bassline.
Ben Niven's avatar
Having fun with crunchy guitars and learning about making a sequenced drum part. Guitars, bass, “drums,” “singing”: Ben Niven Lead guitar in intro: Darren Tipper
Ben Niven's avatar
Recorded with my friend Darren Tipper, who lives in England and bounced this back and forth with me for awhile last year via the BandLab mobile app. I did the drum loop, lap steel, bass, banjo and vocal. Darren did the mandolin and organ.
Ben Niven's avatar
First completed solo project after a years-long home recording hiatus. Recorded into BandLab running on an old iPhone, which is a surprisingly fun way to work.
Ben Niven's avatar

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Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ben Niven's avatar
Collaboration with my friend JJ Rea; he supplied the vocals, drums and guitar solo. I played the verse and bridge guitars, and the guitarrón bassline.
Brett Warren's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
remix of Coelocanth's "Counterpoint for Robin and 12 string", without the birds

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Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it... Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting. On…

Latest Comments

Ben Niven's avatar
In 2001 my most recent band, Hoss Williams, recorded a four-song demo, and each of the four bandmembers contributed one song to it. This was mine. It's loosely about growing up in the country and being a teenager ripping around in clapped-out…
Guest said

I came across this on whilst reading a thread about small Peavey amps. I have to say this song is an excellent piece of work that I really liked a lot. Do you still play this? Anyhow, well done and thanks for sharing it. Best wishes, AlanJammin from London UK.

Ben Niven's avatar
I recorded this Fall 2002, by myself, on a really old laptop with really old recording software. It's just me singing over two tracks of my acoustic guitar, in low C tuning. The two tracks were done in one pass, so it doesn't sound doubled...I…
Guest said

Nice job Ben! I remember your days with Trailer. Hope you are well. Keep up this great music.

Ben Niven's avatar
In 2001 my most recent band, Hoss Williams, recorded a four-song demo, and each of the four bandmembers contributed one song to it. This was mine. It's loosely about growing up in the country and being a teenager ripping around in clapped-out…
Guest said

Damn good song.

Ben Niven's avatar
Collaboration with my friend JJ Rea; he supplied the vocals, drums and guitar solo. I played the verse and bridge guitars, and the guitarrón bassline.
montgomeru's avatar
montgomeru said


Ben Niven's avatar
In 2001 my most recent band, Hoss Williams, recorded a four-song demo, and each of the four bandmembers contributed one song to it. This was mine. It's loosely about growing up in the country and being a teenager ripping around in clapped-out…
Guest said

Was just checking some reviews on peavey amps and ended up listening to this great song...could listen to songs like this all weekend long. Great job -

Ben Niven's avatar

I’m a middle-aged guy with dark blue-green skin and I live in rural Missouri outside of St. Louis.

I play guitar, bass, lap steel and am learning guitarrón. Since 2020 I’ve been exploring collaborative long-distance recording with a few online friends.

from Troy, Missouri

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11 tracks