Billy Jack's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
No it's not the Zep's a bit of blues Reg style thinking of those poor folk who survived the levee breaking in New Orleans but had nothing and had lost loved ones....... When the Levee Breaks (Lyrics) oh She is beautiful even dressed…
Vegetable Man's avatar
I guess I had mariachi music floating through my head...written on another Feb. 2013 snow day...
Vegetable Man's avatar
who doesn't like pb&j?
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation quiet down now, world bring the lights down, world we're going to paint a little pitch black moment hush those city lights those neon lullabies we're off and dreaming with our eyes wide open…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation quiet down now, world bring the lights down, world we're going to paint a little pitch black moment hush those city lights those neon lullabies we're off and dreaming with our eyes wide open…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Fat Burrito's avatar
When we sat down to work the demo on this tune, Matt already had the guitar layering and arrangement worked out--including the wicked long intro. The lyrics are based around something my wife and I did when I was away on business. When I called…
Gary Fox's avatar
Nothing like guitar FX with a beat.
Jason Howell's avatar
another rough recording. since recording this i haven't really done anything with it...i want to though. people are fragile.
Jason Howell's avatar
one of the first songs we wrote. Dan Spencer and i wrote it along with Same Angel for our first gig. Pete Matthews helped me finalize it and mesh the guitar and bass together. i love Tamer's drumming in it.