Billy Jack's listening history

This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Song that we recorded a while back that is hauntingly poignant. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Just when you think you're over something, song is self-named. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
A song about hope, take it how you will, it has multiple meanings for us. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Once upon a time, a man couldn't think of a song to save his life, and then one night it just came together. I miss the cello though. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
A song about possibilities and desires. The sound your heart makes when it's been looking too long. (all recordings are a work in progress)
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Sometimes I can find solace in the sky. Knowing we are all here... Under the same sky...... Under the same sky by OSCKILO Under the same sky We can share a light At any time Or stoke it till its heat holds no delight Under the same sky…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I've been working on this song for 3 years. I recorded it many times. I was never happy with it until Trevor(Regs) made it a song. Fantastic job on the vox man.
boy named bri's avatar
Theres something I would share with you, if you ever asked me to. Perhaps it is a secret, perhaps you already know. Im not the boy you look for now, but I could change. Im not in love with myself, but I think I am with you. Lets find a road weve…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I had a nice 80's feel going on then I went and plugged a damn mic in and ruined everything. I'm probably not done with this yet.
JR James's avatar
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…