Billy Jack's listening history

henwrench's avatar
Greg Connor's avatar
I've been teasing Steve (SLKrell) about Rose, from Las Cruces Nevada, ever since he wrote a song about her for Valentines Day a few years ago. Rosie is a figment of our imagination. I wrote a song about stealing her away from Steve: http…
JR James's avatar
This is an ode for a good friend of mine that had took his own life at the end of last year. I was in the midst of writing some other songs and it stopped me in my tracks. I just wrote basically how I felt about this tragic ending to a very special…
Angel Reedy's avatar
Roger M. Harris's avatar
A song made thanks to the Net. Music by Greg Connor & Steve Krell, Lyrics by me and Harmonica by my best mate Dave. Love it.
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Forgot I had this one, till it popped up on my Ipod on the way to work this week. I thought,'I know that song !!??!!' Can't help it, it comes with age !!!!
Altair Sound's avatar
lgh's avatar
Another Eric Clapton attempt... LG
JR James's avatar
This was the first in this set of 3 songs I am posting. I was gaining alot of inspiration from the likes, of Justin Currie and Jackson Browne at the time. Recorded using Reaper DAW & Jamstix virtual drummer software.
JR James's avatar
While I was writing 'Afterall' I was also putting this song together. This is about a ghost who is haunted by his own past and what mistakes he had made in his former life. Recorded using Reaper DAW & Jamstix virtual drummer software.