Billy Jack's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.
Robert James's avatar
My fellow New Englanders and I are about to get spanked by Hurricane Irene. She's a scream.
Badmoon & Rice's avatar
Badmoon & Rice's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
They were all in the cellar and Louis heard this great tune by the Farfetched Tangmo Band and had to recite this story he had heard of Jack and Jill... so here it is.............
thetworegs's avatar
Well, who do think came down the cellar last night... Yep! you guested it, Charlie Sheen, he was none too happy. He should have been if the girls with him were anything to go by. He'd come to talk to Elvis about handling the Yes men and how he…
thetworegs's avatar
Another from Reg and Elvis and the £16 guitar hope you enjoy......................
thetworegs's avatar
Reg had a bit of tiff with the Mrs so he stormed down the cellar to release his anguish with Elvis and turned it into this little beauty he feels a lot better and is making Mrs Reg a nice cup of tea to say sorry....because lets face it…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has learned to fly............
Robert James's avatar
Why is it that the first song I work on when I start a writing/recording project almost always comes in at less than 2 minutes? Who knows.