Billy Jack's listening history

Cline's Mind's avatar
The most insane thrash song I've ever written. Would love to see a mosh pit going with this song. As always, recorded with my Pod HD Pro, Roland VS-2480 DAW, Jackson Soloist, ESP 5-string, and Double Bass Mania III by Beta Monkey Drum Loops.
Cline's Mind's avatar
And another installment of grinding metal! As always, using my POD HD Pro, Jackson Soloist, Roland VS-2480 DAW and Beta Monkey Drum Loops- Double Bass Mania I: Reloaded
Cline's Mind's avatar
Song #3 using my POD HD. Jam it loud!
Cline's Mind's avatar
Vocals were just added to this track by Tyson (last name unknown)....a studio musician from Los Angeles, CA via I really dig it and hope you do as well. Crank it up!
Cline's Mind's avatar
Cline's Mind's avatar
My newest endeavor. As usual, all music written and produced by yours truly! Beta Monkey Drum Loops: DBM VII and Drum Werks II. Crank it up!!!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Finally getting some time to work out a few ideas I have been exploring. Heading into the mountains for while....I will add more soon with a clear mind.
thetworegs's avatar
Thanks Rob for the idea..... well Nigel he’s full of mouth he seems to tell us all he knows what its about but i’m afraid Nigel will always be a twat A face of rubber and fat That Nigek farrow is such a twat he really suit athat kkk hat…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Colin Garvey's avatar
Originally by the Callow Saints. Written by Seb James