Black Pepper Sea's listening history

Oh My Goodness's avatar
good lord. i was addicted to crosswords, and therefore became uncontrollably competitive and paranoid. [by the way, if anyone could help me master my songs, please give a shout! i can't seem to get them any louder...]
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Pea Sized's avatar
A very minimalist song from our “In My Mind” album.
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
red cowboy and hot burrito were recordings done for a friend of mine who wanted to check out his new (old) drum machine. Both drum parts are constructed from prerecorded beats (from presets or previous owner, I don't know) and have 4-5 bass tracks…
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
The film was supposed to be dark and disturbing, something about a man who works in an antique shop who thinks a mannequin is making him kill people. Or maybe the mannequin really was making him kill people. I don't know, it was hard to tell from…
Oblique St.'s avatar
dedicated to the late great John Martyn
glu's avatar
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
A song that ended up in an entirely different place than from where it began. It was meant to have a dark 'David Gray' kind of feel, but ended up being the love child of 'Love and Rockets' and 'Stars on 45.'
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An exercise in configuring sonic spaces - it was only later that I realized the scathing lyrics were self-directed.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An older song from a previous band that was never quite captured to my satisfaction. I was going for very laid-back "Pale Blue Eyes" vibe.