Lake Fork Verne
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Going to town ona Saturday Night, years ago....
From Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem:
We Thank Thee
By: Ralph Waldo Emerso
Banjo tuned E, no capo, key of D
Copyright by Verne Garrison, November 28, 2012
For flowers that bloom about our feet,
Father, we thank Thee.
For tender grass so fresh, so…
Fraser Colorado and Forty Three Below
Copyright by: Verne Garrison
May 24, 2012, Valley Park, MO
Banjo tuned E, Capo 1 Key of: E
Fraser Colorado and 43 below
Sawlogs frozen to the ground…
My father's Uncle Roy ran shoe repair shop in Mt Pulaski from 40's till in the 80's or so.
Uncle Roy
Copyrighted by: Verne Garrison,
May 7, 2012, Valley Park, Mo
Verne's Original Banjo Songs Vol X
Banjo tuned E, Capo 1, Key of: A…
End of the day ...going to town on Saturday night during the early 1940's
Recently Listened To
Steve (SLKrell) and I have been competing over the same *"IMAGINARY"* girlfriend for years now.
And Yep . . . Steve started it. Well she's mine now, at least until Steve writes the next song. Look for Steve's music here:
Hanging out in the living room with one of my sons, just making stuff up. I wish I'd had the recorder closer to him - whistle too loud, guitar too soft.
With Jeff Prince
i feel so small
i feel so weak
© 2013 Royal T Music
This is Jeff Prince on bass and guitar.
Going to town ona Saturday Night, years ago....
From Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem:
We Thank Thee
By: Ralph Waldo Emerso
Banjo tuned E, no capo, key of D
Copyright by Verne Garrison, November 28, 2012
For flowers that bloom about our feet,
Father, we thank Thee.
For tender grass so fresh, so…
Latest Comments
Going to town ona Saturday Night, years ago....
Greg Connor
It's great to catch up with you Vern! I hope you are doing well. I can't remember .10cent popcorn, but I remember .25cent gas. I also remember watching the movie twice before we left the theater.
Going to town ona Saturday Night, years ago....
My father's Uncle Roy ran shoe repair shop in Mt Pulaski from 40's till in the 80's or so.
Uncle Roy
Copyrighted by: Verne Garrison,
May 7, 2012, Valley Park, Mo
Verne's Original Banjo Songs Vol X
Banjo tuned E, Capo 1, Key of: A…
Going to town ona Saturday Night, years ago....
That's going back, The monthly trip to town.Had to stock up on groceries too. hand full of Spanish peanuts for a penny out of the machine.was a good treat too
From Ralph Waldo Emerson's poem:
We Thank Thee
By: Ralph Waldo Emerso
Banjo tuned E, no capo, key of D
Copyright by Verne Garrison, November 28, 2012
For flowers that bloom about our feet,
Father, we thank Thee.
For tender grass so fresh, so…
I am a 80 year old banjo picker and singer. My songs are mostly about the old days growing up during the Depression Years of 1930’s and 40’s. So my grandchildren and others of this era may know what it was like back then
from Valley Park, MO, United States
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