Breaking Light's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
olifante's avatar
can you say 妈麻马骂? Can you fit a squared peg in a round hole? Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved
olifante's avatar
After several weeks without playing, I sat down one night at the piano and this simple melody immediately came out of my fingers. Composing sometimes feels like rediscovering a cherished old memory. Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques…
kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
rewind's avatar
startswithone1's avatar
startswithone1's avatar
startswithone1's avatar
drakonis's avatar
Background music for a fun father/daughter YouTube video editing collaboration/experiment (embedded here.) My daughter and I filmed and edited the movie, and I wrote the music after hearing some video-game music my daughter wanted me to emulate…