Breaking Light's listening history

yahondu's avatar
this dates back to my earlier songwriting, back to 1984. To those anxious days before the wedding vows...
Breaking Light's avatar
Recorded for the 2009 RPM Challenge.
Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
jjchey's avatar
Cheeky chat a while back.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
White Light was written in June along with 10 other "Off the cuff" tunes. Just before the great flood in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Our house was flooded and slowly being rebuilt. This is 4th of the 10 to be recorded.
Gary Fox's avatar
This was another fun one for me, especially doing the backing vocals. The song is a bit haphazard, structurally speaking, and my performance has some technical issues, but it was just fun to play. The riff came to me early one, but kept elluding…
Manfred Stienstra's avatar
I have a thing for flutes. I guess this is where it all started.
Manfred Stienstra's avatar
I have a thing for flutes. I guess this is where it all started.
Manfred Stienstra's avatar
I used to record all voicemails I got on my landline for posterity, this is one of the less intelligible ones.
glu's avatar
Here I attempt to articulate a few distinct feelings of the home, or the affect of cultivating one's own space, or not. Instrumentation: house keys, pots and pans, long bamboo flute, synth, drum programming, voice(s), and didgeridoo (a real…