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A drone piece, recorded during equipment check for a live perf. A room recording, stereo amp setup.

erocnet's avatar
erocnet said

Sometimes you never know when it comes, the inspiration, the sound, the moment... this is a good piece created in the moment of equipment check!

Nosda Cariad's avatar
Nosda Cariad said

Excellent soundscape, I was expecting The Orb's Adventures Beyond The Ultraworld to kick in at any time.

Guest said

Lush and mysterious!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

thats a kick ass equipment check! cool,wide open ambiance

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Thanks all for your kind comments. Peace.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

you should sell tickets to your soundchecks; I'd pay

Guest said

Amazing, wonderful sound!

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

a very expansive sound,,

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

So this is what equipment check sounds like when you have limitless talent. VERY well done.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Just stunning...I have to see you play live one day.

epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Nice, so so nice...!!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sweet sounding amp setup. Nice piece!
