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Breaking Light

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Another mini-suite, of sorts.
Diamond marimba, mazda marimba, bowed gourd
iPod apps: NLog synth, Bebot
Extremely altered guitar

Guest said

cool soothing and interesting textures! thanks for the comment btw

Guest said

thanks for the comment! this is neat!

corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said


sinuata's avatar
sinuata said

Nifty! I used NLog too, for the "living room jam" segments of my 24-hour album.

Guest said

great sounds.

Lacus Veris's avatar
Lacus Veris said

Birthday Music For Mental Patients!lol

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Tried just replacing the old version of this (three times!), but didn't work. So a reupload. I'm really not an attention whore.

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