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Breaking Light

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part 1 of the set from the gig at Super Happy Funland in Houston.

mikey45011's avatar
mikey45011 said

great stuff

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

soo sooooo cool:; this stuff is like very very real at times.

Guest said

Thanks for the trip sir:)

Guest said

Brilliant! the live tempo euphoria is exquisite!

Guest said

Incredibly thick atmosphere you've conjured up here - strangely emotive. Love the solo sounds at around 3.10 - almost sounds like trad folk (IMO).

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

I just realized, at about the one minute mark, you can just hear my bud Charlie tinkling on a toy piano offstage.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

incredible man, so much feeling here.

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

heheh that's funny Kirk! All 6 people in the audience seemed to enjoy it! :-) The clown suit might help...

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Totally unique sound you've developed with these BL tracks. Great stuff! I have to wonder though how this went over at a place called "super happy funland". With that name I figured you'd have to dress in a clown suit and play the beer barrel polka!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks man! Your stuff is so intense...only way I can describe's real and true to you. A very unique approach your guitar and the music that you generate. I reminds me a lot of something my father told me, he said he never "wrote" a song...well never sat and wrote it out...he would be sitting there or sleeping and it like a radio station turned on...tuned him into a certain channel and he would just write..I get the same thing...and something about your music tells me you do to. Thanks for the listens and comments...I am a fan ;)

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