Minibar Madness
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The final part of any space flight is re-entry and splashdown (or landing if you're Russian). 4000 degrees of burning heat protected by just a heat shield.
I was aiming for a mixture of fear and euphoria in this one. The final words are from Dave…
Each moon landing could only spend a short time on the surface before it was time to leave.
Buzz Aldrin's words on the moon struck me as very descriptive so they became the title. To be fair, I let Neil Armstrong do much of the vocals on this…
The Command Module pilot was the most isolated person in the history of mankind once his two crew mates had started their descent to the lunar surface.
The spoken words start off as my own and then quote Michael Collins the Command Module pilot…
Entering orbit. No one's ever seen before the backside of the moon. The moment of parting when the lunar crew leave the Command Module pilot and enter the Lunar Module.
A three part song written over the whole of RPM12, the orbit piece at the…
The approach to the moon.
This one was going to have lyrics around the second melody piece, but nothing fitted and I decided it was more appropriate to just have it as an instrumental.
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Well Reg decided to go out Dancing down the Disco to see if there were any young ladies about........he shouldn't drink!!!
So Wrong(Lyrics)
It was a magnet that drew me too her
But the polarity must have been wrong
She drew me in while I repelled…
Reg has started to face some facts while at rehab.....
G B7 C B7 Am G B7 C B7 Am D G F# Em A7 D G F# Em A7
Fade to Black (Lyrics)
I'm a drinker I'm a stoner I'm a dreamer
My life is swirling round
I can't say what I feel inside
because most…
Here is my naked version of Collide by Howie Day.
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…
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Not sure where I was going with this, but it ended up quite dreary for what I thought were quite motivating lyrics.
Watch this space, it may well appear again with more upbeat music.
I choose the light to drive away the darkness
about Winter Nacht
each year for the past 4 RPM cycles,, i have known a friend or loved one who has passed away... throughout history winter has been a time when sickness and death creep a little stronger amongst us..... perhaps because of these…
This is a rough mix of a track I did with the one & only Norm Harris. I've got some vocals in mind, but it may take some time to put it together, so meanwhile here's the instrumental version. Big thanks & major props to Norm…
I Am => a piano solo in John O'Sullivan's Blue Temperament Tuning
Written with a good friend in mind who has gone to market.
Latest Comments
The final part of any space flight is re-entry and splashdown (or landing if you're Russian). 4000 degrees of burning heat protected by just a heat shield.
I was aiming for a mixture of fear and euphoria in this one. The final words are from Dave…
good work! I really enjoyed listening through this album!
Entering orbit. No one's ever seen before the backside of the moon. The moment of parting when the lunar crew leave the Command Module pilot and enter the Lunar Module.
A three part song written over the whole of RPM12, the orbit piece at the…
I love the vocal harmonies in this song! Mix needs a little love but wait till your ears are fresh again. Really like this track!
Liftoff. Nuff said.
My favourite track of RPM12. Played it to the people in the office and they were very kind.
Great arrangement! The break is killer!
KY69. Based on a Californian radio station that plays awesome music all around the clock. The characters are wildly in love but won't admit it. The car is outrageously sporty.
Apart from everything mentioned in the lyrics, it's a true story…
I agree with Alex Moody. I dig the sound of the guitar in these tracks. And thank you for the kind words re my track
KY69. Based on a Californian radio station that plays awesome music all around the clock. The characters are wildly in love but won't admit it. The car is outrageously sporty.
Apart from everything mentioned in the lyrics, it's a true story…
Learning that silence is, in fact, golden
from Cardiff, United Kingdom
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26 tracks