Comments on Brian J. Kenny's stuff

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wow - this one is longer than I was expecting! I'm listening to your RPM playlist while monitoring non-music stuff in another window (and holding a book, an actual book!) ... and I was thinking I'd lost track of what was going on! This is very trippy - I'm in the latter half of this track now, and what it's most reminding me of is Electric Ladyland period Hendrix. This is mighty cool. Are you going to have a version with the lyrics you were planning?

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny said

Thanks: I needed something long to put a spoken word-ish thing over. Definitely was fun to record. Now I am working on the lyrics. I appreciate your kind words!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Perfect song for me to be hearing at 12:30 am! I imagine being in a bar hearing this with a drink in my hand. Great funky the strong bass work and guitar effects and the different sections. Pretty epic song!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

omg....this really appeals to me. Gives me that Velvet Underground - Lou Reed feel. Super cool. I actually looked up 880 skyline lol. I used to live right beside a highway and a busy train track. I love what's going on at 4:42 btw

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woah! Yeah. This grabs me big time. I'll listen to some others tomorrow - but right now I gotta get some sleep!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Anther great tune!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Yeah! That's a cool tune. Very rocky and catchy. I also really like the ending scratchy amp that effect.

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

That is rock'n!! Awesome electric guitar work.

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
preset1's avatar
preset1 said

Love that pre-chorus chord progression. Good stuff!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Brian J. Kenny said

Check Phaeyness on OH tracks -x Add distortion to Eric's Solos -x

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Quite like the solo here No doubt the Orange one will litigate until a cheese burger claims him.

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Best take on the proceedings I've heard

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said


Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Guest said

1. Lead guitars down. 2. Lead vocals up a hair

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Guest said

Clean up kick drum and check overheads

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
winstonbmusic's avatar
winstonbmusic said

fast and DIY, nice !

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Guest said

Brian Kenny Goes Electronic. Love it

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Wow, you put it out there. Powerful.

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
I wrote this on the shores of a lake in Redwood City.
Guest said

Great Vibe and lyrics!

Brian J. Kenny's avatar
Another true tale. This one chronicling the turning point in my life: getting nearly-killed with brass knuckles on Paine's Creek Road in Red Buff. Ca. in 1992.
Guest said

Cool guitar sounds. Really like the solo.
