canijo138's listening history

Primakova's avatar
Primakova's avatar
Tom's avatar
Some improv on my digi amp.
Suction Prints's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
I heard Wildgeas track Erase the Breeze on alonetone earlier and this came to me straight away so i had to get both sides of Reg on this one.. and kick it out while i had a little time ….hope you enjoy…Thanks Paul I need to feel real real Love…
thetworegs's avatar
I heard a story in the title so here it is with the excellent guitar by Jim Movement with contact ....hope you enjoy...... The Fisherman and the Wave (Lyrics) Hush little child go back to sleep Daddy will be back real soon Hush little child go…
thetworegs's avatar
Heres a collab with Speed Demon Gene a cover by White Heat Written by Mick Ronson....all the Music is Gene and i'm doing the mumbling..........
Altair Sound's avatar
JR James's avatar
Wrote this in response to all tge news footage of unibombers , shoe bombers....etc....back in the day.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Acoustic blues. Recorded in 2005. I was trying to record something else, can't remember what, and the missus was going out. She had cyclist Lance Armstong's book, or was talking about it. Sounded like a great title for a song as well as his book…