Cave Street's listening history

Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Thick Strings Play for the Fuzzy Water," has big Swelling strings playing with, over & around what sounds like bubbling water with occasional wobbling rhythmic tones, based on several samples: 17090__jppi_Stu__bamboo_wind_chimes_1…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
The track is based on an actual 911 call a hacker made to police in Colorado Springs to "punish" the father of a girl who had spurned his advances. I played the call against a short distorted heartbeat-like rhythm run through a Mutron and several…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
Another Noise track, but maybe maybe a little more Rock oriented than others; "Cruising Bombard Street" is made from approximately 1000 copies of the sample "42544_ERH_long_string_su_51.wav" from, the samples stretched, chopped…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Doomer Boomer," has slow tuned gong-like beats slowly turning into layers on layers of sound.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Fuzzy Twiddles," is basically a Noise track; a combination of static, organ-like chords, chirps, chimes, bubbling tones, twitters, chitters and belching sounds.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Littoral Zone" started with an ambient bass line based (extremely loosely) on a Renaissance-era Classical piece played through an 8-bit SID emulating synth, topped with two tracks based on a Temple Block run through a Mutron & a Subsynth…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Thick Strings Play for the Fuzzy Water," has big Swelling strings playing with, over & around what sounds like bubbling water with occasional wobbling rhythmic tones, based on several samples: 17090__jppi_Stu__bamboo_wind_chimes_1…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
"Gong Arkestra," playing off of nearly random notes played through a Ring Modulator and a Bit Crusher.
Freddie Freelance's avatar
A track using Creative Commons licensed sounds or ones I created from scratch myself. From the freesound Project I used WHALECRY 2 by mkoenig, and bamboo wind chimes by jppi_Stu. I took 20 copies of the whale song, stretched & chopped them…
Freddie Freelance's avatar
Starting with a public domain whalesong recording from mkoenig at the Freesound Project, and then adding a number of samples pulled from the stems of "Demon Seed" by NIN and then tweaked, distorted, and reconstructed. This has also been uploaded…