Colleen Dillon's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Irish Potatoes
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well here's my contribution to the Pirate challenge from Robert Palomo. I think you'll agree it was time to call it a night on this one, but it was a lot of fun writing and recording it! Hope it gives you a chuckle or two. Why Do Parrots…
thetworegs's avatar
Geas sent me this tune for National talk like a pirate a day so we took it down the cellar and luckily Robert Newton was down there so we got him up on the stage and got him to do this little number......Hoping Yee enjoy eye arrh…
Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to the Pirate Song Challenge offered by Robert Palomo. Find The Pirate Challenge Here: _______________________________________ I once…
Greg Connor's avatar
The Gibson SG was all tuned up with new strings so I gave it a whirl. It's still fun to hear that electric sound.
Greg Connor's avatar
The Gibson SG was all tuned up with new strings so I gave it a whirl. It's still fun to hear that electric sound.
Greg Connor's avatar
The Gibson SG was all tuned up with new strings so I gave it a whirl. It's still fun to hear that electric sound.
Tom's avatar
"Disappointing" by John Grant. I also changed some lyrics so I guess, in this case, I share song-writing duties.
Tom's avatar
by Middle Brother
Ed Craig's avatar
Thanks Merry Bear for cleaning this up for me!