Colleen Dillon's listening history

handturkey's avatar
Deserts of the Higher Plane Searches end, I had to admit Mirages were never towns Till I finally quit with my damages aloft Holding what I can’t, what I can’t allow Desserts of the Higher Plane roll along Desserts of the higher plane…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The wonderful MN songwriters helped take a bite out of the January cold on Tuesday night this week and added some amazing depth to Singing in the Silence - We were as usual, recording on a little TASCAM around my coffee table. We had lots of…
Brett Warren's avatar
So glad you could make it. a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The wonderful MN songwriters helped take a bite out of the January cold on Tuesday night this week and added some amazing depth to Singing in the Silence - We were as usual, recording on a little TASCAM around my coffee table. We had lots of…
vaisvil's avatar
a capella
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The wonderful MN songwriters helped take a bite out of the January cold on Tuesday night this week and added some amazing depth to Singing in the Silence - We were as usual, recording on a little TASCAM around my coffee table. We had lots of…
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
Greg Connor's avatar
#RPM 2015# . . . . And We're off . . . First song of the RPM Challenge
Greg Connor's avatar
#RPM Challenge 2013# Wake up in the morning, I’m still in my cloths I got one eye open but the other wont go Barely can remember the night before Except for how you threw me out the door Whiskey, Whiskey, Whiskey I think I’m in trouble again…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
First song of 2016! I wanted to give it a spare arrangement as that seemed to fit the theme of the song, so mostly a vocal piece. Thanks for listening!! Singing In the Silence © 2016 Colleen Dillon Verse 1: Singing in the silence…