Colleen Dillon's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Another collab for the Box of Frogs album coming soon......... Men in Trousers Watch out cause they are everywhere Their are watching you right now Their trying to figure out the where the what and the how Just how can they open your…
oldfolks2's avatar
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals's avatar
eternals circa 1981 enjoy
Eternals's avatar
Come on Taxi - Circa 1980 Enjoy
Eternals's avatar
eternals circa 1981 enjoy
Eternals's avatar
eternals 2022 this is the magic of 5 guys getting back together after 40 years. please enjoy Eternals- Westminster Flowers
Colleen Dillon's avatar
A song I wrote over the last few days. Did a one-take-wonder on the recording, so it's pretty simple. Hope you like it! Sometimes You Don't Verse 1 Sometimes in the early morning hours As the sun lights up the sky I look back and think…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
The Minnesota Association of Songwriters issued a writing challenge this January to "borrow" conceptually from a writer that has influenced our writing to create a new original work of our own. Once you hear this, I think you'll get the idea…