Colleen Dillon's listening history

Reefwalker's avatar
walking out on the cubicle job... for good
Reefwalker's avatar
This is an invitation, with instructions, on how any AT musician can hop a train in the US and get to my house for a jam session. Figured the lyrics needed to mention all 3 of the collaborating musicians home towns cuz they all run along these…
Reefwalker's avatar
Thanks Norm for the percussion track, Groove for Saint Michael. The (Bass perc?) ties the whole thing down- Now get out there and enjoy the summer>!
vaisvil's avatar
Norm's avatar
In case you are in the mood today to kick some ass with Mike and me. Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail Drum, Bongos, and (of course) Cowbell. Concept=>Drive=>Plan=>Engagement. 6/8
Norm's avatar
A demonstration of the "glissando" technique of dragging a finger across a conga head. (Original Lynch song: "Stranger Than Friction")
Paul Lennon's avatar
This tune is one of my top ten favorites of all time. It's originally performed by The Mike Curb Congrigataion and used as a music track for the movie "Kelly's Heroes" starring Clint Eastwood, Telly Salavas, Caroll O'Conner, Don Rickles, Donald…
epimeison's avatar
Here is my humble tribute version of this classic ELP song. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one. Cheers!
epimeison's avatar
And here another version of another classic... Based on the original Julie London, sweet, incredible recording. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one.
Paul Lennon's avatar