Colleen Dillon's listening history
If you enjoy fishing and you like the Mexican beaches Cabo may be for you
Wrote this song yesterday after another long week of crummy news in the world and had the good fortune of the Minnesota song writers in my living room tonight to help me bring it to life. Greg Connor - on the cigar beat box, Colin Walterson on…
Once upon a time, in a land far away...
Just a minute!
Here is the latest song challenge offered by the Minnesota Asscociation of Songwriters:
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Your mission this month is twofold:
1. Try creating a boundary between the production of content versus the judging…
Sometimes life tends to repeat itself if you're not careful.... Good to find a moment to recognize old patterns and shake them off.
Great help on this one from the MN Coffee Table Gang - Greg Connor on guitar and vocals, and Mark Lofgren…
for Gene's contest...great title and inspiration!!
“How To Assemble Your Android”
Yesterday a box of parts came to my front door
I thought she came assembled, ready to be my whore
Tore the box apart and to no one’s surprise I was missing…
Co-Written with John Bennett. Look for more of John's music here:
ALL I WANT IS YOU ©2022 by John Bennett and Greg Connor
I’ll put it to you…